- Accelerator
- AccessibleDescription
- AccessibleName
- AccessibleRole
- Action
- Activation
- Alignment
- Arguments
- Attributes
- Axis
- Axis.property
- BackColor
- Background.property
- BackImage
- Band
- Bandname.property
- Bandname.Text
- Bands
- BinaryIndex
- BitmapName
- Border
- Brush.property
- Brushmode
- Category
- CheckBox.property
- ClientName
- Color
- ColType
- Column.Count
- ContentsAllowed
- Criteria
- Criteria.property
- Crosstab.property
- CSSGen.property (obsolete)
- Data
- Data.HTML (obsolete)
- Data.HTMLTable (obsolete)
- Data.XHTML (obsolete)
- Data.XML
- Data.XMLSchema
- Data.XMLWeb (obsolete)
- Data.XSLFO
- DataObject
- dbAlias
- dbName
- dddw.property
- ddlb.property
- DefaultPicture
- Depth
- Detail_Bottom_Margin
- Detail_Top_Margin
- Detail.property
- DispAttr.fontproperty
- DisplayType
- Edit.property
- EditMask.property
- Elevation
- EllipseHeight
- EllipseWidth
- Enabled
- Export.PDF.Distill.CustomPostScript
- Export.PDF.Method
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.Author
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.CustomOrientation
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.CustomSize
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.ImageFormat
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.Keywords
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.MasterPassword
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.PDFStandard
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.Restrictions
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.Subject
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.UserPassword
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.UsePrintSpec
- Export.XHTML.TemplateCount (Obsolete)
- Export.XHTML.Template[ ].Name (Obsolete)
- Export.XHTML.UseTemplate (Obsolete)
- Export.XML.HeadGroups
- Export.XML.IncludeWhitespace
- Export.XML.MetaDataType
- Export.XML.SaveMetaData
- Export.XML.TemplateCount
- Export.XML.Template[ ].Name
- Export.XML.UseTemplate
- Expression
- Filename
- FirstRowOnPage
- FocusRectangle
- Font.Bias
- Font.property
- Footer.property
- Format
- Gradient.property
- GraphType
- Grid.ColumnMove
- Grid.Lines
- GroupBy
- Header_Bottom_Margin
- Header_Top_Margin
- Header.property
- Header.#.property
- Height
- Height.AutoSize
- Height.HasMinHeight
- Help.property
- HideGrayLine
- HideSnaked
- Horizontal_Spread
- HorizontalScrollMaximum
- HorizontalScrollMaximum2
- HorizontalScrollPosition
- HorizontalScrollPosition2
- HorizontalScrollSplit
- HTextAlign
- HTML.property (obsolete)
- HTMLDW (obsolete)
- HTMLGen.property (obsolete)
- HTMLTable.property (obsolete)
- ID
- Identity
- Import.XML.Trace
- Import.XML.TraceFile
- Import.XML.UseTemplate
- Initial
- Ink.property
- InkEdit.property
- InkPic.property
- Invert
- JSGen.property (obsolete)
- Key
- KeyClause
- Label.property
- LabelDispAttr.fontproperty
- LastRowOnPage
- Left_Margin
- Legend
- Legend.DispAttr.fontproperty
- Level
- LineRemove
- LinkUpdateOptions
- Message.Title
- Moveable
- Multiline
- Name
- Nest_Arguments
- Nested
- NewPage (Group keywords)
- NewPage (Report controls)
- NoUserPrompt
- Objects
- OLE.Client.property
- OLEClass
- OriginalSize
- OverlapPercent
- Pen.property
- Perspective
- Picture.property
- Pie.DispAttr.fontproperty
- PlotNullData
- Pointer
- Print.Preview.property
- Print.property
- Printer
- Processing
- Protect
- QueryClear
- QueryMode
- QuerySort
- RadioButtons.property
- Range
- ReadOnly
- Render3D
- ReplaceTabWithSpace
- Report
- ResetPageCount
- Resizeable
- Retrieve
- Retrieve.AsNeeded
- RichEdit.property
- RichText.property
- RightToLeft
- Rotation
- Row.Resize
- Rows_Per_Detail
- Selected
- Selected.Data
- Selected.Mouse
- Series
- ShadeColor
- ShowBackColorOnXP
- ShowBackground
- ShowDefinition
- SizeToDisplay
- SlideLeft
- SlideUp
- Sort
- Spacing
- Sparse
- Storage
- StoragePageSize
- Summary.property
- SuppressEventProcessing
- Syntax
- Syntax.Data
- Syntax.Modified
- Table (for Create)
- Table (for InkPicture and TableBlobs)
- Table.property
- Table.sqlaction.property
- TabSequence
- Tag
- Target
- Template
- Text
- Timer_Interval
- Title
- Title.DispAttr.fontproperty
- Tooltip.property
- Trail_Footer
- Trailer.#.property
- Transparency (columns and controls)
- Transparency (picture controls in DataWindows)
- Transparency (DataWindow objects)
- Tree.property
- Tree.Leaf.TreeNodeIconName
- Tree.Level.#.property
- Type
- Units
- Update
- Validation
- ValidationMsg
- Values (for columns)
- Values (for graphs)
- Vertical_Size
- Vertical_Spread
- VerticalScrollMaximum
- VerticalScrollPosition
- Visible
- VTextAlign
- Width
- Width.Autosize
- Width.Autosize
- X
- X1, X2
- XHTMLGen.Browser (obsolete)
- XMLGen.property (obsolete)
- XSLTGen.property (obsolete)
- Y
- Y1, Y2
- Zoom
The properties for DataWindow objects and controls within a DataWindow object follow in alphabetical order.
The simple Visual Basic example shown for most properties can be used in C# by adding a semicolon to the end of each statement.
To see the properties organized by type of control or syntax keyword, see Controls in a DataWindow and their properties.