Determining Migration ROI

But before migrating your existing applications, it is critical to ask yourself: "What is the ROI of migrating my application to a 64-bit architecture?" You really need to answer this question because converting an existing 32-bit application to a 64-bit architecture is not just a matter of recompiling your application. Typically, it involves substantial work, requiring source code changes, configuration changes, possibly replacing third-party software required by your application, and then fully retesting your application, just to name a few of the key tasks.

The following is a short list of some of the scenarios that may justify the move to a 64-bit architecture, which might help you to make the right decision:

  • Life-cycle

    If you plan a prolonged development and maintenance of your application. In other words, it probably does not make sense to migrate to 64-bit if you will sunset your application in the next few years or less.

  • Performance requirements

    If your application is memory-intensive, then its execution speed is likely to increase a minimum estimate of 5%-15%. This is achieved due to architectural features of the 64-bit processor and availability of more RAM. Plus a performance gain by the absence of the WoW64 (Windows on Windows) layer that continually translates calls between 32-bit application and the 64-bit operating system.

  • Interoperability

    Applications that require specific 64-bit third-party libraries

    • Applications tend to be constantly evolving and sometimes, there are very specific needs for interfacing with third-party libraries or software packages that are specifically developed for a 64-bit architecture. Such requirement justifies migration because generally speaking 32-bit processes cannot interact with 64-bit software directly during execution.

    Third-party applications that require connecting to your application

    • If you are developing libraries, components or other items intended for third-party developers to create software with, or simply to interface with your applications natively, you will need to create a 64-bit version of your product. Otherwise, your customers interested in 64-bit versions will have to search for an alternative product.

  • Policy requirements (Internal and External)

    There is an increasing initiative for enforcing 64-bit architecture in the industry. This is in response to higher requirements for performance, security, interoperability and infrastructure. Industry statistics predict that 64-bit OS upgrades are one of the top-budgeted IT initiatives in the next two years*, and companies have shown to purchase more software upgrades during budgeted OS upgrade initiatives than any other time. *Per a Gartner report referenced by

It is important to keep in mind that migrating to 64-bit should not be the first answer to deal with technical issues, such as performance and interoperability. While there are performance benefits, improperly designed code will continue to be problematic after migration. And interoperability can often times be achieved by using open standards (e.g. REST APIs) to interface with other software.