PowerBuilder uses absolute layouts, which means, the controls within the window will not change its position and size when the screen size changes. This may create UI problems when a window is displayed on different screen sizes, especially on mobile screens which are much smaller than PC screens. One window that looks perfect on the tablet may be too large to display completely on the smartphone. Even for smartphones which have slightly different screen size, it is difficult to design a window that fit perfectly with all these different sizes.
Using the Resize PowerScript function or the PFC resize service may be a way out, however, it would be some work to write code to control the size and location of each individual control within the window. Considering this, Appeon extends the functionality of Resize PowerScript function and the PFC resize service to greatly simplify coding and automate most of the tasks.
The extended functions is packaged into an object called eon_appeon_resize in the Appeon Workarounds PBL under the PowerServer installation directory (for example, C:\inetpub\wwwroot\appeon\developTempFile\appeon_workarounds\appeon_workarounds.pbl). The eon_appeon_resize object provides you the greatest control and flexibility on the resizing of the window, controls, user objects, and font; it also allows you to dynamically change the resize behavior for a particular window/user object/control at runtime.
For more information about the eon_appeon_resize object, refer to the section called “Appeon Resize Object” in Workarounds & APIs Guide.