Processing application based on migration objectives

The following table shows what processing tasks you need to perform based on your migration objective.

If you plan to migrate...

Do the following...

Entire original application

  1. Test the original PowerBuilder application and correct any applications functionality or user interface problems.

    Note: This step is for detecting and removing problems that may have existed in legacy PowerBuilder applications or problems caused by upgrading legacy PowerBuilder applications.

  2. Perform a full build and optimize the original PowerBuilder application in PowerBuilder IDE.

A portion of the original application

  1. Extract the desired portion from the original PowerBuilder application into a new PowerBuilder application target.

  2. Test the application to ensure there are no bugs and that it functions as expected.

  3. Perform a full build and optimize this "extracted" portion of your application in the PowerBuilder IDE.

Some DataWindows in the original application

  1. Create a new PowerBuilder application target in the same workspace that holds the original PowerBuilder application.

  2. Move the desired DataWindow objects from the original PowerBuilder application to the new PowerBuilder application target.

  3. Add Windows, Menus, and a general UI for the application. Code simple business logic to the new PowerBuilder application in order to make it fully functional.

  4. Test the new PowerBuilder application and correct any problems with its functionality and user interface.

  5. Perform a full build and optimize the new PowerBuilder application in the PowerBuilder IDE.