The previous chapters provide instructions on how to set up PowerServer system architecture, including installing Appeon PowerServer components, as well as configuring PowerServer cluster. Once the Appeon system is set up and before you start deploying applications, the post-installation configuration tasks listed in the following table will help ensure that the deployed applications run as desired. Post-installation configuration tasks refer to configurations required for Appeon system architecture that affect the running of all applications but do not include configuration tasks performed in PowerServer Toolkit and AEM for specific applications.
Table 8. Post-installation tasks
Task |
Description |
Detailed Instructions Given in... |
Configuration for the Web client PC |
The IE security settings and Windows login user privileges may prevent downloading the Appeon Xcelerator plug-in for the Web application. |
System language setting |
Configuration required for the Web client, PowerServer and database server. The operating system language settings can affect the characters that are displayed in the Web application. |
Configuration for supporting dynamic DataWindows |
Configuration required for database server. Configuration at the database server is required for support of dynamic DataWindows. |
the section called “Dynamic DataWindow” in Supported PB Features for PowerServer Web or Supported PB Features for PowerServer Mobile. |
Configuration for fixing an ASE issue |
Appeon PowerServer provides several SQL files for you modifying the chain modes of stored procedures in ASE database to avoid the following error: "Select error: Stored procedure... may be run only in unchained transaction mode" |
the section called “ASE Chained mode issue” in PowerServer Troubleshooting Guide |