PowerServer open interfaces (methods) in JBoss, JEUS, WebLogic and WebSphere are encapsulated in a standard EJB component named OpenInterface that is included in the ASInterface package. To invoke the open interfaces in PowerBuilder, you need to follow the instructions of how to call Appeon EJBObject. Details refer to the section called “Calling EJB Component”.
Following is general step guide to write code in PowerBuilder to invoke the open interface.
Step 1: Load Appeon Workarounds PBL to the application.
Step 2: Deploy Appeon Bridge.
Step 3: Connect to the J2EE application server where PowerServer and Appeon Bridge are installed through Appeon EJBobject.
For example:
string ls_prop[5] string ls_serurl, ls_msg ls_serurl = "" ls_prop[1] = "applicationA" ls_prop[2] = "javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY='com.sybase.ejb.InitialContextFactory'" ls_prop[3] = "javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL='iiop://'" ls_prop[4] = "username=admin@system" ls_prop[5] = "password=appeon249" ls_msg = io_ejb.connectserver (ls_serurl, ls_prop) if ls_msg <> "" then MessageBox ("Error when connecting with the application server!", ls_msg) return end if
Step 4: Create an instance of the EJB component OpenInterface.
The JNDI name for WebSphere, WebLogic, JEUS, & JBoss is OpenInterfaceBean.
For example:
String ls_jndi, ls_home, ls_method, ls_msg ls_jndi = "OpenInterfaceBean" ls_msg = io_ejb.createremoteinstance (ls_jndi, ls_home, "create", ref il_bean1) if ls_msg <> "" then MessageBox ("Failed to create the remote instance!", ls_msg) return end if
Step 5: Invoke one or more open interfaces in the component. For example:
string ls_msg int c_val string retval01 c_val = -1 io_ejb.regstring ("") io_ejb.regstring ("") ls_msg = io_ejb.invokeretstring (il_bean1, "getAllSessions", true, ref retval01) if ls_msg = "" then messagebox ('', "retval=" + string(retval01)) else messagebox ("", "retval=" + ls_msg) end if
Step 6: Deploy the PowerBuilder application to PowerServer the same way you would deploy a normal PowerBuilder application.
The above code will take effect in the Appeon-deployed application.