Common Comments
Double-slash method: Code // Comment
A= B + C // Comment
Slash-and-asterisk method: /* Comment */
A= /* comment */ B + C
Embedded comments
// Comment1 /* Comment2
/* Comment1 // Comment2 */
/* Comment1 /* Comment2 */ Comment3 */
For example:
A = B + C /* This comment starts here. /* This is the start of a nested comment. The nested comment ends here. */ The first comment ends here. */ + D + E + F
Do not use the double-slash method to comment out scripts in the SQL statement for DataWindows.
Identifiers in Appeon refer to global/instance/local variable names, or object names, or menu names & menu item names. Note that menu names & menu item names are regarded as identifiers.
Rules for identifiers:
Identifiers can be reserved words in JavaScript, apart from the identifier word "Object".
Can have up to 40 characters but no spaces.
Must start with a letter or an underscore ("_") and can include any combination of the letters, numbers and special characters listed in Appeon supported identifiers.
In the case of duplicate objects, objects earlier in the PBL list overwrite those later in the PBL list.
Objects of different types cannot have the same name.
Objects of the same type, even if they are in different PBLs, cannot have the same name.
Instance variable and function in the same object cannot have the same name.
The "Ω" will not be automatically converted to "ω" in Appeon.
Identifiers cannot be reserved words in Appeon: appeondatawindow, appeondatastore, appeonservice, appeon_nvo_db_update, appeonextfuncs, appeonfileservice, ejbserial, ejbobject and parse_retval_object.
Letters, numbers or special characters with Unicode listed below or within the intervals are supported.
All intervals are closed intervals.
Cannot start with the letter, number or special character corresponding to the Unicode (or within the intervals) marked with "*".
Table 167.
30-39 * |
41-5A |
5F |
61-7A |
B7 * |
C0-D6 |
D8-F6 |
F8-131 |
134-13E |
141-148 |
14A-17E |
180-1C3 |
1CD-1F0 |
1F4-1F5 |
1FA-217 |
250-2A8 |
2BB-2C1 * |
2D0-2D1 * |
300-345 * |
360-361 * |
386 |
387* |
388-38A |
38C |
38E-3A1 |
3A3-3CE |
3D0-3D6 |
3DA |
3DC |
3DE |
3E0 |
3E2-3F3 |
401-40C |
40E-44F |
451-45C |
45E-481 |
483-486 * |
490-4C4 |
4C7-4C8 |
4CB-4CC |
4D0-4EB |
4EE-4F5 |
4F8-4F9 |
531-556 |
559 * |
561-586 |
591-5A1 * |
5A3-5B9 * |
5BB-5BD * |
5BF * |
5C1-5C2 * |
5C4 * |
5D0-5EA |
5F0-5F2 |
621-63A |
640 * |
641-64A |
64B-652 * |
660-669 * |
670 * |
671-6B7 |
6BA-6BE |
6C0-6CE |
6D0-6D3 |
6D5 |
6D6-6E8 * |
6EA-6ED * |
6F0-6F9 * |
901-903 * |
905-939 |
93C-94D * |
951-954 * |
958-961 |
962-963 * |
966-96F * |
981-983 * |
985-98C |
98F-990 |
993-9A8 |
9AA-9B0 |
9B2 |
9B6-9B9 |
9BC * |
9BE-9C4 * |
9C7-9C8 * |
9CB-9CD * |
9D7 * |
9DC-9DD |
9DF-9E1 |
9E2-9E3 * |
9E6-9EF * |
9F0-9F1 |
A02 * |
A05-A0A |
A0F-A10 |
A13-A28 |
A2A-A30 |
A32-A33 |
A35-A36 |
A38-A39 |
A3C * |
A3E-A42 * |
A47-A48 * |
A4B-A4D * |
A59-A5C |
A5E-A5E |
A66-A74 * |
A81-A83 * |
A85-A8B |
A8D |
A8F-A91 |
A93-AA8 |
AB2-AB3 |
AB5-AB9 |
ABC-AC5 * |
AC7-AC9 * |
AE0 |
AE6-AEF * |
B01-B03 * |
B05-B0C |
B0F-B10 |
B13-B28 |
B2A-B30 |
B32-B33 |
B36-B39 |
B3C-B43 * |
B47-B48 * |
B4B-B4D * |
B56-B57 * |
B5C-B5D |
B5F-B61 |
B66-B6F * |
B82-B83 * |
B85-B8A |
B8E-B90 |
B92-B95 |
B99-B9A |
B9C |
B9E-B9F |
BA3-BA4 |
BB7-BB9 |
BBE-BC2 * |
BC6-BC8 * |
BD7 * |
BE7-BEF * |
C01-C03 * |
C05-C0C |
C0E-C10 |
C12-C28 |
C2A-C33 |
C35-C39 |
C3E-C44 * |
C46-C48 * |
C4A-C4D * |
C55-C56 * |
C60-C61 |
C66-C6F * |
C82-C83 * |
C85-C8C |
C8E-C90 |
C92-CA8 |
CB5-CB9 |
CBE-CC4 * |
CC6-CC8 * |
CD5-CD6 * |
CE0-CE1 |
CE6-CEF * |
D02-D03 * |
D05-D0C |
D0E-D10 |
D12-D28 |
D2A-D39 |
D3E-D43 * |
D46-D48 * |
D4A-D4D * |
D57 * |
D60-D61 |
D66-D6F * |
E01-E2E |
E30 |
E31 * |
E32-E33 |
E34-E3A * |
E40-E45 |
E46-E4E * |
E50-E59 * |
E81-E82 |
E84 |
E87-E88 |
E8A |
E8D |
E94-E97 |
E99-E9F |
EA1-EA3 |
EA5 |
EA7 |
EB0-EB9 * |
EC0-EC4 * |
EC6 * |
EC8-ECD * |
ED0-ED9 * |
F18-F19 * |
F20-F29 * |
F35 * |
F37 * |
F39 * |
F3E-F3F * |
F40-F47 |
F49-F69 |
F71-F84 * |
F86-F8B * |
F90-F95 * |
F97 * |
F99-FAD * |
FB1-FB7 * |
FB9 * |
10A0-10C5 |
10D0-10F6 |
1100 |
1102-1103 |
1105-1107 |
1109 |
110B-110C |
110E-1112 |
113C |
113E |
1140 |
114C |
114E |
1150 |
1154-1155 |
1159 |
115F-1161 |
1163 |
1165 |
1167 |
1169 |
116D-116E |
1172-1173 |
1175 |
119E |
11A8 |
11AB |
11AE-11AF |
11B7-11B8 |
11BA |
11BC-11C2 |
11EB |
11F0 |
11F9 |
1E00-1E9B |
1EA0-1EF9 |
1F00-1F15 |
1F18-1F1D |
1F20-1F45 |
1F48-1F4D |
1F50-1F57 |
1F59 |
1F5B |
1F5D |
1F5F-1F7D |
1F80-1FB4 |
1FB6-1FBC |
1FBE * |
1FC2-1FC4 |
1FC6-1FCC |
1FD0-1FD3 |
1FD6-1FDB |
1FE0-1FEC |
1FF2-1FF4 |
1FF6-1FFC |
20D0-20DC * |
20E1 * |
2126 * |
212A-212B * |
212E * |
2180-2182 * |
3005 * |
3007 |
3021-302F * |
3031-3035 * |
3041-3094 |
3099-309A * |
309D-309E * |
30A1-30FA |
30FC-30FE |
3105-312C |
4E00-9FA5 |
AC00-D7A3 |
Table 168.
ASCII character |
To Specify This |
Enter This |
Common ASCII characters |
Newline |
~n |
Tab |
~t |
Carriage return |
~r In Appeon, "~r" is considered a newline character. |
Formfeed |
~f |
Backspace |
~b |
Double quote |
~" |
Single quote |
~' |
Tilde |
~~ |
Any ASCII character |
Hexadecimal |
~h## |
Octal |
~o### |
In a mobile application, a character whose ASCII value is greater than 127 cannot be saved to the database.
In PowerBuilder, for characters whose ASCII value is greater than 128, the equal operator will consider them the same. However, in Appeon, the equal operator will not consider them the same.
Common ASCII character: Vertical tab (~v)
Any ASCII character: Decimal (~###). Note: Appeon ignores the escape character ("~") specified in the PowerBuilder painter. In SQL statements, "~" is handled as escape character.
Tilde ("~") on mobile may not take effect if it is contained in a nested string that is a variable or it is contained in a string whose nested level is up to two.
NULL means undefined or unknown. It is not the same as an empty string, a zero, or a date of 0000-00-00. For example, NULL is neither 0 nor "" (empty string).
Null in PowerBuilder is directly translated into Null in JavaScript.
Expressions involving Null values may arrive at different values in JavaScript from their values in PowerScript. For example, the expression A + B in PowerScript will return Null if any of A or B is Null. However, in JavaScript, the expression will not return Null even if A or B is Null. >In addition, an arithmetic or relational operation involving a null value always returns null in PowerBuilder. As shown in the following table, the return value is not always null in JavaScript:
Table 169.
Operation |
Return Value |
Assuming SetNull(A), SetNull(B) |
PowerBuilder |
JavaScript |
Arithmetic |
A+1 |
Null |
1 |
A+B |
Null |
0 |
A*B |
Null |
0 |
Relational |
A=1 |
Null |
False |
A<>1 |
Null |
True |
NOT (A=1) |
Null |
True |
A=A |
Null |
True |
A=B |
Null |
True |
IsNull(A=1) |
True |
False |
String concatenation |
A+"ABC" |
Null |
A+B |
Null |
Supported Reserved Words
Table 170.
and |
call |
case |
catch |
choose |
close |
commit |
connect |
constant |
continue |
create |
cursor |
declare |
delete |
describe |
disconnect |
do |
dynamic |
else |
elseif |
end |
event |
execute |
exit |
false |
fetch |
first |
for |
forward |
from |
function |
global |
halt |
if |
immediate |
insert |
into |
is |
last |
loop |
next |
not |
of |
on |
open |
or |
parent |
post |
prior |
prepare |
ref |
return |
rollback |
rpcfunc |
select |
step |
subroutine |
super |
then |
this |
to |
trigger |
true |
try |
type |
until |
update |
using |
while |
with |
within |
selectblob |
updateblob |
The reserved word HALT is supported, but the code after the Halt statement will not be executed in PowerServer Mobile.
PROCEDURE can only be used in the DECLARE Procedure SQL statement.
Unsupported Reserved Words
Table 171.
enumerated |
external |
finally |
goto |
indirect |
intrinsic |
library |
system |
systemread |
systemwrite |
throw |
throws |
Eon |
EonApp |
EonObject |
EonStatic |
EonMenu |
PB |
PBGlobal |
PBArray |
The following pronouns in PowerScript are supported:
Parent - refers to the object that contains the current object.
Using Parent in the script for a visual user object is supported.
This - refers to the window, user object, menu, application object, or control that owns the current script.
Super - refer to the immediate ancestor for a descendant object or control.
The statement continuation character (&) and syntax are supported. The syntax is as follows:
Start of statement & more statement & end of statement
The statement separation character (;) and syntax are supported. The syntax is as follows:
Note: White Space (Blanks, tabs, formfeeds, and comments) in the statement is supported and treated the same way as in PowerBuilder.