ORCA return codes

The header file PBORCA.H defines these return codes:

Return code


0       PBORCA_OK

Operation successful


Invalid parameter list


Duplicate operation


Object not found


Bad library name


Library list not set


Library not in library list


Library I/O error


Object exists


Invalid name


Buffer size is too small


Compile error


Link error


Current application not set


Object has no ancestors


Object has no references


Invalid # of PBDs


PBD create error


Source Management error (obsolete)


Could not instantiate ComponentBuilder class


Component builder Init method failed


Component builder BuildProject method failed


Could not connect to source control


Could not read registry


Could not load DLL


Could not initialize SCC connection


Could not open SCC project


Target File not found


Unable to read Target File


Unable to access SCC interface


Scc connect offline requires IMPORTONLY refresh option


SCC connect offline requires GetConnectProperties with Exclude_Checkout


SCC connect offline with Exclude_Checkout requires PBC file