Table of Contents
- Database parameters and supported database interfaces
- AppDriverName
- AppName
- Async
- BindSPInput
- Block (ODBC, OLE DB, Oracle, and SNC)
- Block (DirectConnect and Adaptive Server Enterprise)
- CacheAuthentication
- CallEscape
- CharSet
- Client_Locale
- CnnPool
- CommitOnDisconnect
- ConnectAs
- ConnectOption
- ConnectString
- CSIncr
- CSMax
- CSMin
- CursorLib
- CursorLock
- CursorScroll
- CursorType
- CursorUpdate
- Database
- DataLink
- DataSource
- Date
- DateFormat
- DateTime
- DateTimeAllowed
- DateTimeFormat
- DBGetTime
- Db_Locale
- DBTextLimit
- DecimalSeparator
- DefaultProcOwner
- DelimitIdentifier
- DelimitIdentifierToDB
- DisableBind
- Driver
- DS_Alias
- DS_Copy
- DS_DitBase
- DS_Failover
- DS_Password
- DS_Principal
- DS_Provider
- DS_TimeLimit
- Encrypt
- EncryptionPass
- EncryptPassword
- FailoverPartner
- FoDelay
- FoDialog
- FoRetryCount
- FormatArgsAsExp
- GenerateEqualsNull
- HANotification
- Hint
- Host
- HostReqOwner
- IdentifierQuoteChar
- Identity
- ImpersonationLevel
- Init_Prompt
- InsertBlock
- IntegratedSecurity
- KeepAlive
- Language
- Locale
- Location
- Log
- LoginTimeOut
- LowerCaseIdent
- MapDateToDateTime
- MaskPassword
- MaxConnect
- MixedCase
- Mode
- MsgTerse
- NCharBind
- NCharLiteral
- NLS_Charset
- NumbersInternal
- NumericFormat
- ObjectMode
- OJSyntax
- OnlineIndex
- PackageProcs
- PacketSize (ODBC)
- PacketSize (ASE, DIR, SNC, SYC)
- PBCatalogOwner
- PBMaxBlobSize
- PBMaxTextSize
- PBNewSPInvocation
- PBTrimCharColumns
- PBUseProcOwner
- PersistEncrypted
- PersistSensitive
- PoolCreator
- Pooling
- PoolPwd
- Properties
- ProtectionLevel
- Provider
- ProviderString
- PWDialog
- PWEncrypt
- QualifyPublic
- Release
- Request
- RPCRebind
- RTConnBalancing
- Scroll
- Sec_Channel_Bind
- Sec_Confidential
- Sec_Cred_Timeout
- Sec_Data_Integrity
- Sec_Data_Origin
- Sec_Delegation
- Sec_Keytab_File
- Sec_Mechanism
- Sec_Mutual_Auth
- Sec_Network_Auth
- Sec_Replay_Detection
- Sec_Seq_Detection
- Sec_Server_Principal
- Sec_Sess_Timeout
- ServerName
- ServiceComponents
- SessionHomogeneous
- ShowTempTables
- ShowWarnings
- SPCache
- SQLCache
- SQLQualifiers
- StatementCache
- StaticBind
- StmtCache
- StrByCharset
- StripParmNames
- SvrFailover
- SystemOwner
- SystemProcs
- TableCriteria
- ThreadSafe
- Time
- TimeFormat
- Timeout
- TimeStamp
- TraceFile
- TrimSpaces
- TrustedConnection
- TrustServerCertificate
- UnicharBind
- UseProcSyntax
- UTF8
About this chapter
This chapter describes the syntax and use of each database parameter that you can set in InfoMaker.