Installation Guide for SnapDevelop 2019 R2
Last Updated: May 2020
PowerBuilder Installer is an online installer with a self-extracting download that leads you through the installation process. The machine will be required to connect to the Internet during the installation process. For those who prefer to use the offline installer, it can be downloaded from the PowerBuilder Installer (by selecting Download Offline Installer in the installer).
When you run PowerBuilder Installer, you will get the option to install SnapDevelop, which includes the two SnapDevelop plugins (.NET DataStore with DataWindow Converter and PowerScript Migrator). Note that you would need a valid license for PowerBuilder Professional or above to use the .NET DataStore with DataWindow Converter plug-in, and a valid license for PowerBuilder CloudPro to use the PowerScript Migrator plug-in. If you do not have a valid license yet, you can install the products first, and then apply for a trial license for temporary use.
Planning Your Installation
Before you install, prepare your environment.
Make sure your system meets installation requirements.
Identify software required.
System Requirements
Make sure your system meets all requirements before you install SnapDevelop 2019 R2.
This table provides system requirements for SnapDevelop. The disk space requirements provided are approximate. The actual disk space you need for each product might vary depending on hard disk size, partitioning, and the features you choose to install. Additional temporary space is required on the hard disk during installation for uncompressing installation files.
Product | Computer | Minimum memory | Hard disk space | Operating system |
SnapDevelop | Intel Core i3 or higher (1.8 GHz or faster, dual-core or better recommended) | 2 GB (4 GB recommended) | 2 GB | Windows 7 32-bit or 64-bit SP1 Windows 8.1 32-bit or 64-bit Windows 10 32-bit or 64-bit (excluding Windows IoT and Windows Embedded Compact) |
Software Requirements
Identify the software requirements for SnapDevelop.
Universal C Runtime (CRT).
Universal CRT is installed by default on Windows 10. On the other supported Windows platforms, you can follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the package when you install SnapDevelop. See Downloading and Installing UCRT. UCRT must be installed before you can install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 SDK.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 SDK, Microsoft .NET Core SDK 2.1.5 and 2.2.4, and TypeScript SDK 3.1
These prerequisites will be automatically installed if the installer detects that they are not installed on the current machine. If your current machine runs on Windows 7, make sure that Service Pack 1 (KB976932) has already been installed; if your current machine runs on Windows 8.1, make sure that KB 2919355 has already been installed.
Database Server Requirements
SnapDevelop IDE (mainly SQLQuery and DataWindow Converter) can connect with the following database types and versions:
DB Type | DB Version |
MySQL | 5.6, 5.7, or 8.0 |
PostgreSQL | 9.6, 10.1, 11.3, or 12 |
Oracle | 12c, 18c, or 19c |
SQL Server | 2016, 2017, or 2019 |
SQL Anywhere (ODBC) | 16 ( or later) or 17 |
SQLite | 3 |
SQL Anywhere can only be connected via ODBC at this moment.
.NET DataStore and SnapObjects can connect with the following databases using the specified database provider:
DB Type | DB Version | Database Provider |
MySQL | 5.6, 5.7, or 8.0 | SnapObjects.Data.MySql.dll |
PostgreSQL | 9.6, 10.1, 11.3, or 12 | SnapObjects.Data.PostgreSql.dll |
Oracle | 12c, 18c, or 19c | SnapObjects.Data.Oracle.dll |
SQL Server | 2016, 2017, or 2019 | SnapObjects.Data.SqlServer.dll |
SQL Anywhere | 16 ( or later) or 17 | SnapObjects.Data.Odbc.dll |
SQLite | 3 | SnapObjects.Data.Sqlite.dll |
SnapObjects.Data.Odbc.dll can only connect with SQL Anywhere at this moment.
To connect with MySQL or Oracle database, make sure to install the prerequisites (view installation instructions).
Preinstallation Tasks
This topic describes tasks to perform before installation.
- Log in to Windows as an administrator, as you must have administrator privileges to run the installer.
- Read the release bulletins for the latest information on the products that you are installing. Release bulletin is available on the Appeon Documentation Center at
- Make sure the drive on which you install SnapDevelop is not compressed. If compression is enabled on the installation drive, the installer fails.
- Make sure you have a TEMP environment variable that points to an existing directory location with at least 300MB free space. The installer writes files to this directory during the installation and frees the space after the installation is complete.
- Close any open applications.
- Read Software Requirements to determine whether you need to install any software before installing SnapDevelop.
Downloading the PowerBuilder Installer
Download the PowerBuilder Installer executable from the Downloads page on the Appeon User Center (login is required).
Starting the PowerBuilder Installer
The PowerBuilder Installer executable (PowerBuilderInstaller_bootstrapper.exe) should be available in your download directory after it is downloaded.
Double click PowerBuilderInstaller_bootstrapper.exe to start the installer (you must have administrator privileges to run the installer).
Select to agree to the license terms and click Continue.
Click Install under PowerBuilder 2019 R2.
For those who prefer to use the offline installer, s/he can select Download Offline Installer. This will download the offline installer.
For those who have installed an earlier build of SnapDevelop 2019 R2, s/he can click Update and then select to upgrade to the latest build.
PowerBuilder Installer shows the installed product(s) as well as the available product(s) in the Products tab. Select the product(s) you want to install from the Products tab.
PowerBuilder Installer will also check if the prerequisites have been installed; if not installed, a warning message (and installation instructions if any) will be displayed on the right of page.
Based on the product(s) you selected, the available components will be shown in the Components tab. Select the components you want to install.
The required components or prerequisites are automatically selected and cannot be de-selected. The installed components/prerequisites will still be listed but cannot be selected (the selection box is greyed out).
In the Locations tab, use the default download location and installation location or specify where you want the product to be downloaded and installed.
Note there is an "Automatically delete the downloaded files after the installation is complete" option under Download Location. You may want to select this option if you will not use the downloaded files for other installations. This will make sure the downloaded files won't waste your disk space.
Click Install or Update to begin the installation.
When installation is complete, read the status message carefully to make sure installation is successful. If you have performed a full installation (not an update), click Restart Now to restart the machine immediately or click Restart Later to manually restart the machine later.
Offline Installation
Downloading the Offline Installer
An offline installer is designed to help users install the product on the machine where Internet connection is not available.
The offline installer can be downloaded from the PowerBuilder Installer. Launch the PowerBuilder Installer, select Download Offline Installer, and then select the product and component to download (by default all available products and components are selected).
When download is finished, click the Open Folder button (the default folder is C:\ProgramData\Appeon\InstallPackages) to get the standalone installation package (the offline installer). Now you can distribute the offline installer to any computer to install the product.
Starting the Offline Installer
The offline installer of SnapDevelop 2019 R2 is included in the PowerBuilder offline installer, therefore you will run the PowerBuilder installer to install SnapDevelop.
Follow these steps to launch the downloaded offline installer to begin the PowerBuilder/SnapDevelop installation.
Exit any programs that are running.
Run the Autorun.exe file in the package of the offline installer of PowerBuilder (you must have administrator privileges to run the installer).
For those who have installed SnapDevelop 2019, s/he can run the update program in the MR package of the offline installer.
Click Install.
The installer collects basic information before launching the individual installer for SnapDevelop.
Providing Basic Information and Installing SnapDevelop
Run the offline installer to install SnapDevelop. The installer collects basic information before beginning the SnapDevelop installation.
To select the SnapDevelop product, provide basic information, and then install SnapDevelop:
On the start page of the installer, select Install.
On the Welcome page, click Next.
On the License Agreement page, read the license agreement, select the I accept the terms of the license agreement radio button, and click Next to continue.
On the Customer Information page, enter your name and your company's name.
On the Select Products page, select SnapDevelop and click Next to continue.
If Universal C Runtime is not installed, the installer will display a list of packages that need to be installed. After you manually download and install the package in the provided order, click Next.
On the Choose Destination Location page, click Next to accept the destination path shown, or click Browse and select a different path, click OK, and click Next.
On the Choose Destination Location For Shared Files page, click Next to accept the destination path shown, or click Browse and select a different path, click OK, and click Next.
Select to install SnapDevelop and Prerequisites (Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 SDK, Microsoft .NET Core SDK 2.1.6, and TypeScript SDK 3.1).
The Prerequisites are automatically selected and cannot be de-selected.
Click Next until installer begins installing files for SnapDevelop.
After installing, make sure users have write permission for their user profile directories (for example, Public Documents in Windows 7), and for HKEY_CURRENT_USER in the Windows registry.
Downloading and Installing UCRT
In Windows 10, UCRT is installed by default; in the other Windows platforms, if the installer detects that UCRT is not installed, it will provide the package list according to your platform, and you must download and install the package in the order listed.
The required packages are also listed in the following table. Note that you must install the package one by one in the order listed.
Completing the Offline Installer
After SnapDevelop is installed, you return to the installer.
To complete the offline installer:
On the InstallShield Wizard Complete page, click Finish to complete the installation.
If you do not deselect the check box on this page, installer displays the readme file.
On the System Reboot Required page, click Finish to reboot your computer, or choose to reboot your computer later.
After installing SnapDevelop, always shut down and restart your computer before using it.
SnapDevelop generates a log file PBLog*.txt in %SystemRoot%\System32\AppeonInstallLog (in 32-bit OS) or %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\AppeonInstallLog (in 64-bit OS).
What the Installer Does
The installer installs files and updates the Windows registry.
The installer:
Installs SnapDevelop files (as well as SnapObjects runtime packages) in an Appeon directory
Installs system files in the Windows operating system path
Creates a program group and icons for SnapDevelop
Creates uninstall files to identify what needs to be removed if you uninstall SnapDevelop
Makes changes to the Windows registry
Registry changes
The installer makes the following changes to the Windows registry:
Creates or updates the key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software
Updates system and user paths in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment
Adds the appropriate paths to the registry path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths
Installing in Silent (Unattended) Mode
Install SnapDevelop from a Command Prompt window or script, without displaying messages or windows during the installation process.
Complete installation planning.
Accept the license agreement.
Configure the
file (located in the SnapDevelop installation folder, for example, "SnapDevelop-2019R2-2323-EN").Run
to install SnapDevelop.
Accepting the License Agreement
Accept the Appeon license agreement before running the silent installation.
Edit the silentinstall.bat file located in the SnapDevelop installation package and change the value of set AgreeToAppeonLicense from false to true.
set AgreeToAppeonLicense=false
Silent Install Commands
This topic describes the silentinstall command syntax for SnapDevelop.
To run the silent installation from a Windows Command Prompt, run this command in the installation package:
[ "opt=product" "dir=directoryName" "log=logFileName" ]
[ { help | /? } ]
The parameters can be listed in any order and are not case sensitive. Parameter values are also not case sensitive.
Silent installation parameter | Description |
opt |
Specifies the name of the product to install. For SnapDevelop, the value is "SDEV". |
dir |
Indicates the main installation directory. If you omit this parameter, silentinstall installs the product to the sysDriver\Program Files\Appeon\productName directory, where sysDriver is the main computer drive, and productName is "SnapDevelop 2019 R2". |
log |
Names the log file for the installation. If you omit this parameter, the log file is written to the system Temp directory with the file name, silentinstall.log. |
help or /? |
Command syntax and parameters instead of running the command. |
The following example uses all parameters for the silent installation command:
silentinstall.bat "opt=sdev" "dir=D:\appeon\sd190" "log=D:\appeon\install.log"
When installing SnapDevelop, the silent installation writes warnings to its log file if the computer does not have the correct version of any of these items:
Microsoft .NET Framework
Microsoft .NET Framework SDK
Activating SnapDevelop
For more instructions, refer to Activating SnapDevelop in Appeon License User Guide.
Uninstalling SnapDevelop
This topic describes how to uninstall SnapDevelop.
Use one of these methods to run the uninstall program for the product that you want to uninstall:
Add or Remove Programs dialog box
Make a backup copy of any files you might want to reuse (such as DB, source code files) if you plan to reinstall.
Open the Control Panel from the Start menu and double-click the Add/Remove Programs button.
On the Install/Uninstall tab page, select the product to uninstall, click Add/Remove, and click Yes when prompted to confirm that you want to uninstall the tool.
If you are prompted to delete a shared file, choose the appropriate response.
If the usage count for a system file in the registry indicates that the file is no longer being used, the uninstall program asks if you want to delete the file. Some applications do not increment the usage count; therefore, do not delete a file unless you are sure it is not being used by another application.
Silent uninstallation
Run the silentuninstall.bat file in the SnapDevelop installation package.
The uninstall program removes:
Shared and standard program files
Folder items
Program folders
Program directories
Program registry entries
The uninstall program deletes file and icon groups, as well as system and user path settings in the registry. Simply deleting directories does not fully uninstall these products.