The supported database servers and data types are listed in the table below:
Table 173.
MS SQL Server |
Supported |
binary* |
bit |
bigint |
char |
date |
datetime |
datetime2 |
datetimeoffset(7) |
decimal |
float |
int |
image* |
money |
nchar |
numeric |
ntext |
nvarchar |
nvarchar(MAX) |
real |
small datetime |
small money |
smallint |
sql_variant |
text |
tinyint |
timestamp |
uniqueidentifier |
varbinary* |
varbinary(MAX) |
varchar |
varchar(MAX) |
xml | ||
You can only use the default value for the user_quoted_identifier property. |
Unsupported |
The data types that are marked with a "*" symbol can only be used in SELECTBLOB and UPDATEBLOB SQL statements. binary & varbinary In the mobile application, the data length of the two types can exceed 255 digits. Digits that exceed 255 can either be read from or updated to the database by SELECTBLOB or UPDATEBLOB statement. |
SAP ASE Server |
Supported |
binary |
bit |
char |
date |
datetime |
decimal |
float |
Image |
int |
money |
nchar |
nvarchar |
numeric |
real |
smalldatetime |
smallint |
smallmoney |
text |
timestamp |
tinyint |
varbinary |
varchar |
Unsupported |
In a column, data of timestamp type cannot be displayed correctly. Timestamp data type is unsupported when dynamically creating DataWindows. |
SAP SQL Anywhere Server |
Supported |
binary* |
bit |
bigint |
char |
date |
decimal |
double |
float |
integer |
long_binary* |
long_varchar |
money |
numeric |
smallint |
smallmoney |
time |
timestamp |
tinyint |
unsigned_bigint |
unsigned_int |
unsigned_smallint |
varbinary* |
varchar |
Unsupported |
The data types that are marked with a "*" symbol can only be used in SELECTBLOB and UPDATEBLOB SQL statements. |
Oracle Server |
Supported |
blob * |
char |
character |
clob* |
date |
dec |
decimal |
float |
integer |
interval_day_to_second |
interval_year_to_month |
long |
nchar |
nvarchar2 |
number |
numeric |
raw* |
real |
ref cursor |
rowid* |
timestamp |
timestampwithtimezone |
timestampwithlocaltimezone |
urowid* |
varchar |
varchar2 |
Unsupported |
The data types that are marked with a "*" symbol can only be used in SELECTBLOB and UPDATEBLOB SQL statements. |
IBM DB2 Server |
Supported |
bigint |
blob* |
char |
clob* |
date |
dbclob* |
decimal |
double |
graphic |
integer |
real |
smallint |
time |
timestamp |
varchar |
vargraphic |
Unsupported |
The data types that are marked with a "*" symbol can only be used in SELECTBLOB and UPDATEBLOB SQL statements. Use Double variables instead of Real variables when obtaining float data from the database. |
Supported |
bigint |
binary* |
blob* |
char |
clob |
date |
datetime |
decimal |
float |
hs_blockmapidentity* |
hs_vdoidentity* |
hs_vdorecid* |
image |
int |
long_binary* |
long_varchar |
money |
numeric |
oldbit |
real |
rowid |
smalldatetime |
smallint |
sysname |
time |
timestamp |
text |
tinyint |
uniqueidentifier* |
uniqueidentifierstr |
unsigned bigint |
unsigned int |
unsigned smallint |
varbinary* |
varchar |
xact_id |
xml |
Unsupported |
The data types that are marked with a "*" symbol can only be used in SELECTBLOB and UPDATEBLOB SQL statements. |
Informix |
Supported |
blob* |
boolean |
byte* |
char |
clob* |
date |
datetime |
decimal |
float |
int8 |
integer |
interval |
lvarchar |
money |
nchar |
nvarchar |
real |
serial |
serial8 |
smallint |
text |
time |
varchar |
Unsupported |
The data types that are marked with a "*" symbol can only be used in SELECTBLOB and UPDATEBLOB SQL statements. (* .NET only) The NumericScale attribute is unsupported. |
Supported |
BigInt |
Binary(M) |
Bit |
Blob |
Char(M) |
Date |
Date Time |
Decimal(M,D) |
Double(M,D) |
Float(M,D) |
Int |
LongBlob |
Long Text |
MediumBlob |
MediumInt |
Medium Text |
SmallInt |
Text |
TimeStamp |
TinyBlob |
TinyInt |
Tiny Text |
VarBinary(M) |
VarChar(M) |
Unsupported |
Enum |
Geometry |
GeometryCollection |
LineString |
MultiLineString |
MultiPoint |
MultiPolygon |
Point |
Polygon |
Set |
Time |
Year |
PostgreSQL |
Supported |
bigint |
bigserial |
bit [ (n) ] |
bit varying [ (n) ] |
boolean |
character varying [ (n) ] |
character [ (n) ] |
date |
double precision |
inet |
integer |
money |
numeric [ (p, s) ] |
real |
smallint |
text |
timestamp [ (p) ] [ without time zone ] |
timestamp [ (p) ] with time zone |
uuid |
Unsupported |
box |
bytea |
cidr |
circle |
interval [ (p) ] |
line |
lseg |
macaddr |
path |
point |
polygon |
serial |
time [ (p) ] [ without time zone ] |
time [ (p) ] with time zone |
tsquery |
tsvector |
txid_snapshot |
xml |