Appeon also makes improvements to the following APIs:
Adds a new event ue_setvertical for eon_singlelineedit, eon_statictext, & eon_editmask to set the value of the text alignment (ii_vertical) for the object.
Adds a new property ii_keyboardtype for eon_editmask to set the type of the virtual keyboard on mobile devices.
Adds a new property Keyboardtype for the DataWindow control to set the type of the keyboard that displays when the DataWindow column gets focus.
Adds a new function of_setlongpressinterval for eon_mobile_awsex to set the duration for a press to be recognized as a long press which would display the keyboard. By default, the keyboard pops up when the user taps twice in the field of the DataWindow, or when the user presses the DataWindow field for as long as 1500 milliseconds.
Adds a new function of_checkpermissionfornet for eon_mobile_awsex to check if the app in Appeon Workspace has permissions to access the .NET/IIS server.
For details, refer to Workarounds & APIs Guide.