Beginning June 1, 2015 Apple requires app updates submitted to the App Store must include 64-bit support, which means, Appeon Workspace in the App Store now supports both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures, and iOS will automatically choose 64-bit Appeon Workspace when it is running on a 64-bit device; but UltraLite 12.0.1 does not work with the 64-bit Appeon Workspace, because UltraLite 12.0.1 is built for 32-bit architecture only at the time of writing this note (UltraLite 16 is built for both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures, but UltraLite 16 is not supported by Appeon Mobile currently).
Android has no such requirement, therefore, UltraLite 12.0.1 can continue to work with the 32-bit Appeon Workspace even on 64-bit Android devices.
For iOS, you can work it around by building your own Appeon Workspace and configuring it to be 32-bit only, instead of using the Appeon Workspace from the App Store. To build Appeon Workspace to be 32-bit only, set Valid Architectures to armv7 in Xcode. (By default it is set to armv7 arm64, which means it is for both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.)