IDataStore.Sort(string format = null) Method
.NET Standard 2.x
Sorts the rows in the DataStore using the current sort criteria. You can use the format
parameter to specify a different sort criteria.
Namespace: DWNet.Data
Assembly: DWNet.Data.dll
public bool Sort(string format = null);
A string whose value is the sort criteria for the DataWindow object
. The expression includes column names or zero-based numbers. A column number must be preceded by a pound sign (#).
Returns true
if it succeeds.
The Sort
method uses the current sort criteria for the DataWindow object
. If you do not call SetSort
or use the format
parameter to set the sort criteria before you call Sort
, Sort
uses the sort criteria specified in the DataWindow object
When the Retrieve
method retrieves data for the DataStore, it applies the sort criteria that were defined for the DataWindow object
, if any. You need to call Sort
only after you change the sort criteria with SetSort
or if the data has changed because of processing.
The following code example sorts data records by budget in the descending order.
using DWNet.Data;
using System;
namespace Appeon.ApiDoc.IDataStoreExamples
public class SortExample
private readonly SchoolContext _context;
public SortExample(SchoolContext dataContext)
// Sets the data context
_context = dataContext;
public void Example()
// Instantiates a DataStore object with datawindow: d_department.
var datastore = new DataStore("d_department", _context);
string OutPutValue;
OutPutValue = "";
// Gets values for the budget column in DataStore
for (int i = 0; i < datastore.RowCount; i++)
OutPutValue += datastore.GetItemNumber(i, "Budget").ToString();
if (i < datastore.RowCount - 1)
OutPutValue += ", ";
Console.WriteLine("Before SetSort, Budget Value List: {0}",
// Calls SetSort to sort data by budget in descending order.
// Calls Sort to apply the sort.
datastore.SetSort("Budget D");
OutPutValue = "";
// Gets values for the budget column in DataStore after sort.
for (int i = 0; i < datastore.RowCount; i++)
OutPutValue += datastore.GetItemNumber(i, "Budget").ToString();
if (i < datastore.RowCount - 1)
OutPutValue += ", ";
Console.WriteLine("After SetSort, Budget Value List: {0}",
/*This code produces the following output:
Before SetSort, Budget Value List: 350000, 120000, 200000, 250000
After SetSort, Budget Value List: 350000, 250000, 200000, 120000
Example Refer To
Model Class: D_Department
DataWindow File: d_department
Applies to
.NET Standard