PbGlobal Class
.NET Standard 2.x
Provides global functions similar to those in PowerBuilder.
Namespace: PowerScript.Bridge
Assembly: PowerScript.Bridge.dll
public static class PbGlobal
Name | Return Type | Description |
Asc(char? value) | ushort? | Converts a character to its Unicode code point. |
AscA(char? value) | short? | Converts a character to its ASCII integer value. |
Char(decimal? v) | char? | Converts a decimal to a Unicode character. |
Char(double? v) | char? | Converts a double to a Unicode character. |
Char(long? v) | char? | Converts a long to a Unicode character. |
CharA(decimal? v) | char? | Converts a decimal to an ASCII character. |
CharA(double? v) | char? | Converts a double to an ASCII character. |
CharA(long? v) | char? | Converts a long to an ASCII character. |
Date(int? year, int? month, int? day) | DateTime? | Combines numbers representing the year, month, and day into a date value. |
DateTime(DateTime? date, TimeSpan? time) | DateTime? | Extracts a DateTime value from a string whose value is valid datetime. |
Dec(double? v) | decimal? | Converts a double to a decimal number. |
Dec(long? v) | decimal? | Converts a long to a decimal number. |
Double(decimal? v) | double? | Converts a decimal to a double number. |
Double(long? v) | double? | Converts a long to a double number. |
Fact(decimal? v) | double? | Determines the factorial of a number. |
Fact(double? v) | double? | Determines the factorial of a number. |
Fact(long? v) | double? | Determines the factorial of a number. |
Int(decimal? v) | short? | Converts a decimal to a short number. |
Int(double? v) | short? | Converts a double to a short number. |
Int(long? v) | short? | Converts a long to a short number. |
Integer(object v) | short? | Converts an object to a short number. |
IntHigh(int? v) | short? | Returns the high word of an int value. |
IntLow(int? v) | short? | Returns the low word of an int value. |
IsArabic(char? value) | bool? | Tests whether a particular character is an Arabic character. |
IsHebrew(char? value) | bool? | Tests whether a particular character is a Hebrew character. |
Long(object v) | int? | Converts an object to an int number. |
Long(ushort? lowWord, ushort? highWord) | int? | Combines two unsigned integers into an int value. |
LongLong(decimal? v) | long? | Converts a decimal to a long number. |
LongLong(double? v) | long? | Converts a double to a long number. |
LongLong(uint? lowWord, uint? highWord) | long? | Combines two unsigned longs into a long value. |
Real(decimal? v) | float? | Converts a decimal to a float number. |
Real(double? v) | float? | Converts a double to a float number. |
Real(long? v) | float? | Converts a long to a float number. |
RGB(int? red, int? green, int? blue) | int? | Calculates the long value that represents the color specified by numeric values for the red, green, and blue components of the color. |
Round(decimal? x, int? decimals) | decimal? | Rounds a number to the specified number of decimal places. |
Round(double? x, int? decimals) | decimal? | Rounds a number to the specified number of decimal places. |
Space(int? count) | string | Builds a string of the specified length whose value consists of spaces. |
String(object data) | string | Converts an object to a string. |
String(object data, string format) | string | Formats data, such as DataTime or TimeSpan values, according to a format mask. |
Time(int? hour, int? minute, int? second, int? microsecond = 0) | TimeSpan? | Combines ints representing hours, minutes, seconds, and microseconds into a TimeSpan value. |
Truncate(decimal? x, int? n) | decimal? | Truncates a number to the specified number of decimal places. |
Truncate(double? x, int? n) | decimal? | Truncates a number to the specified number of decimal places. |
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