IDataStoreBases.RetrieveByPageAsync Method
.NET Standard 2.x
Asynchronously retrieves a number of rows in the database starting from the specified row. If arguments are included, the argument values are used for the retrieval arguments in the SQL SELECT statement for the DataStore.
Namespace: DWNet.Data
Assembly: DWNet.Data.dll
Method | Description |
RetrieveByPageAsync(int currentIndex, int pageSize, params object[] arguments) | Asynchronously retrieves a number of rows in the database starting from the specified row. If arguments are included, the argument values are used for the retrieval arguments in the SQL SELECT statement for the DataStore. |
RetrieveByPageAsync(int currentIndex, int pageSize, object[] arguments, CancellationToken cancellationToken) | Asynchronously retrieves a number of rows in the database starting from the specified row. If arguments are included, the argument values are used for the retrieval arguments in the SQL SELECT statement for the DataStore. |