IDwDataImporter.ImportByKey(string text, DwBuffer dwbuffer) Method
.NET Standard 2.x
Imports data into the specified buffer of DataStore with the specified DataFormat
based on the key name.
Namespace: DWNet.Data
Assembly: DWNet.Data.dll
int ImportByKey(string text, DwBuffer dwbuffer);
Data string in the specified format.
The JSON string must comply with the plain-format JSON or DataWindow JSON.
The specified buffer of the DataStore.
A value of the DwBuffer
enumerated datatype identifying the DataWindow buffer
into which you want to import the data.
For plain-format JSON: Imports the JSON data to the specified buffer.
For DataWindow JSON: Imports data from the specified buffer from the JSON string to the corresponding buffer.
Returns the number of rows that were imported if it succeeds.
The following code example demonstrates how to import the department data from a JSON string to the specified DataStore buffer.
using DWNet.Data;
using SnapObjects.Data;
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace Appeon.ApiDoc.IDwDataImporterExamples
public class ImportByKeyExample
private readonly SchoolContext _context;
public ImportByKeyExample(SchoolContext dataContext)
// Sets the data context
_context = dataContext;
public void Example2()
// Instantiates the datastore with datawindow: d_department
var datastore = new DataStore("d_department", _context);
// Get DataStore importer in JSON format.
var importer = datastore.GetDataImporter(DataFormat.Json);
// Gets the JSON file,ExportPlainJson1.json contains 4 records.
string path = Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory,
string json = File.ReadAllText(path);
// Imports data from JSON to the DataStore primary buffer
int row = importer.ImportByKey(json, DwBuffer.Primary);
Console.WriteLine("Import Row: {0}; Rowcount: {1}", row, datastore.RowCount);
/*This code produces the following output:
Import Row: 4; Rowcount: 4
Example Refer To
Model Class: D_Department
JSON File: ExportPlainJson1
DataWindow File: d_department