IDataStore.InsertRow<TModel>(int row, TModel model) Method
.NET Standard 2.x
Generic method. Inserts a TModel
object as a row to the specified position in the primary buffer of the DataStore.
Namespace: DWNet.Data
Assembly: DWNet.Data.dll
public int InsertRow<TModel>(int row, TModel model);
Type Parameters
The type of the model matches with the current DataObject
The zero-based row number for the insertion.
The model instance to be inserted to the primary buffer.
Returns the zero-based number of the row that was added if it succeeds.
The status flag for the newly inserted row is ModelState.NewModified
, and the row is included in the modified count.
has the same function as Insert
, but InserRow
has better performance because it supports generic type.
The following code example demonstrates how to insert a row of data before the position specified by a row number.
using Appeon.ApiDoc.Models;
using DWNet.Data;
using System;
namespace Appeon.ApiDoc.IDataStoreExamples
public class InsertRowExample
private readonly SchoolContext _context;
public InsertRowExample(SchoolContext dataContext)
// Sets the data context
_context = dataContext;
public void Example2()
// Instantiates a DataStore object with datawindow: d_department.
var datastore = new DataStore("d_department", _context);
// Gets the department object of the first row.
var department = datastore.GetModel<D_Department>(0);
department.Departmentid = 10;
department.Name = "Department Name";
department.Budget = 100m;
Console.WriteLine("Before Insert, Rowcount: {0}", datastore.RowCount);
datastore.Insert(0, department);
Console.WriteLine("After Insert, Rowcount: {0}", datastore.RowCount);
for (int row = 0, rowcount = datastore.RowCount; row < rowcount; row++)
Console.WriteLine("DepartmentID: {0}; Name: {1}; Budget: {2}",
datastore.GetItem<int>(row, "departmentid"),
datastore.GetItem<string>(row, "name"),
datastore.GetItem<decimal>(row, "budget"));
/*This code produces the following output:
Before Insert, Rowcount: 4
After Insert, Rowcount: 5
DepartmentID: 10; Name: Department Name; Budget: 100
DepartmentID: 1; Name: Engineering; Budget: 350000.0000
DepartmentID: 2; Name: English; Budget: 120000.0000
DepartmentID: 4; Name: Economics; Budget: 200000.0000
DepartmentID: 7; Name: Mathematics; Budget: 250000.0000
Example Refer To
Model Class: D_Department
DataWindow File: d_department
Applies to
.NET Standard