IDataStore.GetItemDecimal(int row, string column, DwBuffer bufferType = DwBuffer.Primary, bool isOriginalValue = false) Method
.NET Standard 2.x
Gets data whose type is Decimal
for the specified row and column from the specified buffer of the DataStore. You can obtain the data that was originally retrieved and stored in the database, as well as the current value in the primary, delete, or filter buffers.
Namespace: DWNet.Data
Assembly: DWNet.Data.dll
public decimal? GetItemDecimal(int row, string column, DwBuffer bufferType = DwBuffer.Primary, bool isOriginalValue = false);
The zero-based row number to get data.
The name of a column to get data.
To get the contents of a computed field, specify the name of the computed field for column. Computed fields do not have numbers.
The specified buffer of the DataStore.
Whether to obtain the data that was originally retrieved.
True: to obtain the data that was originally retrieved; False (default): to obtain the current data.
Returns the decimal?
value in the specified row and column.
Use GetItemDecimal
when you want to get information from the DataWindow buffer
. To access a row in the original buffer, specify the buffer that the row currently occupies (primary, delete, or filter) and the number of the row in that buffer. When you specify true
for isOriginalValue
, the method gets the original data for that row.
The following code example demonstrates how to use the GetItemDecimal
method to get the decimal-type value in the specified row and column.
using DWNet.Data;
using System;
namespace Appeon.ApiDoc.IDataStoreExamples
public class GetItemDecimalExample
private readonly SchoolContext _context;
public GetItemDecimalExample(SchoolContext dataContext)
// Sets the data context
_context = dataContext;
public void Example2()
// Instantiates a DataStore object with datawindow: d_department.
var datastore = new DataStore("d_department", _context);
datastore.SetItem(0, "budget", 100m);
// Gets the original value in the first row and in the departmentid column and
// budget column of DataStore.
// The budget column is decimal type
"Original value: Department ID: {0}; Budget: { 1}",
datastore.GetItem(0, "departmentid"),
datastore.GetItemDecimal(0, "budget", DwBuffer.Primary, true));
// Gets the modified value in the first row and in the departmentid column and
// budget column of DataStore.
"Modified value: Department ID: {0}; Budget: {1}",
datastore.GetItem(0, "departmentid"),
datastore.GetItemDecimal(0, "budget", DwBuffer.Primary, false));
/*This code produces the following output:
Original value: Department ID: 1; Budget: 350000.0000
Modified value: Department ID: 1; Budget: 100
Example Refer To
Model Class: D_Department
DataWindow File: d_department
Applies to
.NET Standard