DataStoreDataExtensions.ImportXml Method
.NET Standard 2.x
Inserts data from an XML string into the DataStore.
Namespace: DWNet.Data
Assembly: DWNet.Data.dll
Method | Description |
ImportXml(this IDataStoreBase dataStore, string XML) | Inserts data from an XML string into the DataStore. |
ImportXml(this IDataStoreBase dataStore, string XML, DwBuffer dwbuffer) | Inserts data from an XML string into the specified buffer of DataStore. |
ImportXml(this IDataStoreBase dataStore, string XML, DwBuffer dwbuffer, int startRow) | Inserts data from an XML string into the specified buffer of DataStore. You can specify the starting position in the XML array. Data before the starting position will not be imported into the DataStore. |
ImportXml(this IDataStoreBase dataStore, string XML, DwBuffer dwbuffer, int startRow, int endRow) | Inserts data from an XML string into the specified buffer of DataStore. You can specify the starting and ending position in the XML array. Data that are out of this range will not be imported into the DataStore. |
ImportXml(this IDataStoreBase dataStore, string XML, DwBuffer dwbuffer, int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn) | Inserts data from an XML string into the specified buffer of DataStore. You can specify the starting and ending positions in the XML array, and you can specify the number of the first key value in the XML object to be imported. Data that are out of this range will not be imported into the DataStore. |
ImportXml(this IDataStoreBase dataStore, string XML, DwBuffer dwbuffer, int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn, int endColumn) | Inserts data from an XML string into the specified buffer of DataStore. You can specify the starting and ending positions in the XML array, and you can specify the number of the first key value and the number of the last key value in the XML object to be imported. Data that are out of this range will not be imported into the DataStore. |
ImportXml(this IDataStoreBase dataStore, string XML, DwBuffer dwbuffer, int startRow, int endRow,int startColumn, int endColumn, int dwStartColumn) | Inserts data from an XML string into the specified buffer of DataStore. You can specify the starting and ending positions in the XML array, and specify the number of the first key value and the number of the last key value in the XML object to be imported. You can also specify the number of the first column in the DataStore that should receive data. |