SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise Retrieval Using Cursors

Retrieval using cursors is conceptually similar to retrieval in the singleton SELECT. The main difference is that since there can be multiple rows in a result set, you control when the next row is fetched into the PowerScript data variables.

If you expect only a single row to exist in the employee table with the specified emp_id, use the singleton SELECT. In a singleton SELECT, you specify the SELECT statement and destination variables in one concise SQL statement:

SELECT emp_name, emp_salary
   INTO :emp_name_var, :emp_salary_var
   FROM employee WHERE emp_id = :emp_id_var;

However, when a SELECT may return multiple rows, you must:

  1. Declare a cursor.

  2. Open it (which conceptually executes the SELECT).

  3. Fetch rows as needed.

  4. Close the cursor.

Declaring and opening a cursor

Declaring a cursor is tightly coupled with the OPEN statement. The DECLARE specifies the SELECT statement to be executed, and the OPEN actually executes it.

Declaring a cursor is similar to declaring a variable; a cursor is a nonexecutable statement just like a variable declaration. The first step in declaring a cursor is to define how the result set looks. To do this, you need a SELECT statement. Since you must refer to the result set in subsequent SQL statements, you must associate the result set with a logical name.

Multiple cursors

The CT-Lib API lets you declare and open multiple cursors without having to open additional database connections.


Assume the SingleLineEdit sle_1 contains the state code for the retrieval:

// Declare cursor emp_curs for employee table retrieval.
   SELECT emp_id, emp_name FROM EMPLOYEE
   WHERE emp_state = :sle_1.text;

// Declare local variables for retrieval.
string emp_id_var
string emp_name_var

// Execute the SELECT statement with
// the current value of sle_1.text.
OPEN emp_curs;

// At this point, if there are no errors,
// the cursor is available for further
// processing.

Fetching rows

In the singleton SELECT, you specify variables to hold the values for the columns within the selected row. The FETCH statement syntax is similar to the syntax of the singleton SELECT. Values are returned INTO a specified list of variables.

This example continues the previous example by retrieving some data:

// Go get the first row from the result set.
FETCH emp_curs INTO :emp_id_var, :emp_name_var;

If at least one row can be retrieved, this FETCH places the values of the emp_id and emp_name columns from the first row in the result set into the PowerScript data variables emp_id_var and emp_name_var. Executing another FETCH statement will place the variables from the next row into specified variables.

FETCH statements typically occur in a loop that processes several rows from a result set (one row at a time): fetch the row, process the variables, and then fetch the next row.

What happens when the result set is exhausted?

FETCH returns +100 (not found) in the SQLCode property within the referenced transaction object. This is an informational return code; -1 in SQLCode indicates an error.


This cursor example illustrates how you can loop through a result set. Assume the default transaction object (SQLCA) has been assigned valid values and a successful CONNECT has been executed.

The statements retrieve rows from the employee table and then display a message box with the employee name in each row that is found.

// Declare the emp_curs.
   WHERE emp_state = :sle_1.text;

// Declare a destination variable for employee
// names.
string    emp_name_var

// Execute the SELECT statement with the
// current value of sle_1.text.
OPEN emp_curs;

// Fetch the first row from the result set.
FETCH emp_curs INTO :emp_name_var;

// Loop through result set until exhausted.
DO WHILE SQLCA.sqlcode = 0

// Pop up a message box with the employee name.
   MessageBox("Found an employee!",emp_name_var)

// Fetch the next row from the result set.
   FETCH emp_curs INTO :emp_name_var;

Error checking

Although you should test the SQLCode after every SQL statement, these examples show statements to test the SQLCode only to illustrate a specific point.